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These are the committees defined within Red Dragon Canoe Club. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Our paddling members regularly organize excursions - both from the Red Dragon property or around the region. This is lead by our current Paddling Chair - Reg Arey
Under the supervision of the Rear Commodore, the sailing committee helps organize and promote all sailing activities for the membership.
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Loaner Boats
If you don't own a boat or if you'd like to try something different, the Red Dragon maintains a number of canoes, kayaks and rowboats for loan.
Social Events
The purpose of the Membership Committee is to serve current members and to recruit new prospective members.
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Junior Activities
Under the supervision of the Rear Commodore, the Junior Activities Committee shall promote and regulate the activities of the Youth and Junior Membership Groups. The Committee may encourage the development of a Youth Organization, the role of which shall be to prepare Youth Members for Active Membership. Such an organization may elect their own officers and draw up their own rules with the express intention of increasing youth activities, both social and athletic.
Grounds and Garden Beautification
The Grounds Committee shall be responsible, under the supervision of the Quartermaster, for the upkeep of the Grounds belonging to the Club. It shall make recommendations regarding improvements to maintain the same in good order. It shall make such rules and regulations governing the use of the Grounds as it shall deem proper, subject to approval or revision by the Club.
The Beach Front Committee, under the supervision of the Harbormaster, shall be responsible for maintaining all launching facilities, bulkheads, decks, boat storage areas, and the interior arrangement of the Boat House in good order and repair. It shall be responsible for the annual Float Launch and Float Haul.
The House/Historical Committee shall act under the supervision of the Quartermaster with a Chairperson and four or more members in keeping the Club House and all other Club buildings in good order and repair. It shall make such rules and regulations governing the use of the Buildings as it shall deem proper, subject to approval or revision by the Club. It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to keep a record of all artifacts and historical items pertaining to, or in the possession of, the Club, and to keep the same in good order. One member of the Committee shall be the Archivist/Historian, whose responsibility shall be to collect, maintain, and interpret the historical records of the Club.
Executive Board
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This committee will decide on the curation and placement of the artifacts and pictures on display in the clubhouse. If you have an eye for design, please join!
Publicity Committee
Spread awareness of the club, and recruit new member prospects, by means of advertising at local festivals and fairs, Shipman Mansion concerts and other venues with the RDCC Membership tent.
Sunshine Committee
To communicate greetings to club members for birthdays and other special occasions.